Once again, world wide web, let me remind you that you need to click on 'The order of things' above to locate exactly where we are, click on 'Evolution of a beard' to see exactly how long Nick's beard has grown, and and click on 'Books, glorious books' to find out exactly how many books our children can devour...
But in other news... here for your viewing pleasure is an idea of what the travelling Woodleys got up to in Queensland during July and August - yes, we are south of Perth now, so it was two and a half months ago that we left the sunny state... Finally the weather has dipped below thirty degrees celcius (in fact, it's almost chilly!), and we have seen rain after three months of being closer to thirty-five degrees with not a drop of rain (except for an exciting pre-wet-season shower in Darwin)...
In Pacific Pines...
In Mt Tamborine...
In Deagon (Brisbane)...
In Burrum Heads...
In Agnes Water...
In St Lawrence...
In Palm Cove...
In Croydon...
In Cloncurry...
In Camooweal...
We will come back to Queensland at some point or other to share the stories of our exploring,
but for now will move on to other states...
And don't forget to check out Nick's surfs...
If you've made it all the way here, then the following is your reward!...
Some people may think that their kids are entertaining - but make no mistake, ours are funnier...
'When God holds the world, is it night where His hands are and day where they aren't?'
(when viewing mannequins with WWII airforce, army, and navy uniforms)
'Look - a policeman, a cowboy, and a pirate!'
'Are donkeys still invented these days?'
(to my uncle - Grumpsy's brother)
'Uncle Rex, are you a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
'The best thing about Grumpsy and Oma are Grumpsy and Oma!'
{and my personal favourite}
(to Trinity when they were wrestling over a ball; and because too much Enid Blyton is never a bad thing)
'Stop! Stop, I pray you, I'll throw the ball...'
P.S. Aravis' amazing vocabulary consists mainly of words like:
Shazza / please / shoes / fish / cheers /
cheese / chase / juice / shh! / Issy / etc
...if you say these with a baby voice and mushed-up 'sh' sounds
you may get the idea of how cute it is...