Monday, October 17, 2011

We're remembering the deluge and other stories...

Off ever upward we go... seeking sunshine but finding rain... learning that the rain brings growth and friendships are 
cemented in time together...

(P.S. one of the cutest things ever...)

...I've already shared with you, world wide web
the beauty of Seal Rocks - so now I will share our doings...
...of course much beach enjoyment including surfs for Daddy - as we were looking straight out onto the glorious sweep of the main beach we made much use of the warm days and tried to ignore the almost freezing (one time only two degrees) nights...

...and a little miss turned six and enjoyed a morning out with 
new presents in hand and hair...

...a sunny day not complete without a visit to a playground...
(and priming us for the last half of the week when because of the absolute deluge of rain we had to make use of the library and other suitable indoor pursuits)

...just before the rain hits a visit to the Sugarloaf Point Lighthouse... 

...then after surviving the torrential downpour, God provided a clear afternoon to pack up in; and a destination to head for as Mr and Mrs Gilmore offered their house and hospitality to us... and on our way to Coffs Harbour the heavens continued to open 
so we saw plenty of this... end up being blessed to stay inside and at the Gilmores for nine days (our longest stay yet) as the area was inundated and Coffs Harbour itself had two hundred and fifty millimetres in forty eight hours... before finally being able to explore the area... 

...the beaches...

(this is why we call him 'free range')

...enjoying the calm after the storm and the fellowship and God connection with Mr and Mrs Gilmore...

...a special walk for Mama around Mutton Bird Island (of course, daydreaming about what it would have been like in the 'olden days' the whole way)...

...and a trip to the Jesus Pro Am on the Gold Coast for Nick with Mr Gilmore over the weekend - an opportunity for 
sharing and serving...

(complete with photos with a group of Japanese business men who wanted to be photographed with 'genuine Aussie surfers'!... this has happened to us in Switzerland, the Great Ocean Road, and now the Gold Coast and Cairns - must be something about those 'Goldi'-locks!)

...a new and special friend in gorgeous Mo - lots of fun to be had including trampoline-bouncing, 'Mainly Music' classes, 
and bubble-chasing...

...and some more amazingly beautiful children 
(hope you appreciate it, grandparents!)...

...finally our last New South Wales stop, Evans Head... and a glimpse of sugar cane - the travelling Woodleys must be getting to the northern end of the country...

...a quiet week preparing for the family and friend deluge to come in Queensland; but we managed to visit a Tea Tree plantation complete with maze, rainforest walk, and sculpture garden...

...a visit to the markets, riding, and walking to the beach completed our stay along with discovering and remembering new wildlife - soldier crabs by the thousands, and bats flying over every night (both from Renee's Queensland childhood
and the seagull of the north - the ibis...

...then a visit on the way to the Gold Coast to our own Miss Avory in the Byron Bay Hinterlands...

...exploring her macadamia farm and hanging out 
made for a lovely afternoon...

...till 'farewell, Kelly' and on to the (hopefully) sunshine state and the great North of this land... the travelling Woodleys are now nine months and six states in, and have shared about six of those months and four of those states! ah, world wide web, I believe that we will get there!...